Sunday, June 21, 2009

Mama!! Mama!! Than THE Defiant One :)

This evening I saw a mama bear w/three teeny-tiny cubs and snapped a few pictures from my sunroof - hoping one will come out (2 out 10 passable. Painful, I know).

It was awesome. One of the cubs wouldn't move away from my car. I got to watch mama teach the cub to move, get out-of-the-way, RUN!!, whatever.

It was simpatico. Mama knew I wasn’t going to run over her cub and kept coming back to my car - trying to teach her wayward one that he/she MUST get out of the way.

The look on Mama bears face was just so intelligently loving and beautiful. Not any different than I've seen human parents trying to impart an important life-lesson upon their own young.

Mama greeting her wayward, overly curious cub.

"You've got to come - when I tell you to come!!"

~ Yes, Mama ~

"Geez Mama, the car smelled like cheetos...and... and... Mama, the car stopped... why do you worry so?"

"Not all cars will stop. And if they do - most likely they won't be kind."

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